Honey and SyrupsOne cup of honey and other syrups like molasses is 339 g, or a density of 339 g/cup.. Cup to Gram ConversionsIn the United States, most ingredients in cooking are measured by volume with cups and spoon sizes.
To calculate how many grams of honey to use in a recipe, multiply 339 by the number of cups required.. One cup of granulated white sugar or packed brown sugar is 200 g, or a density of 200 g/cup.. This results in the following conversions: 1/2 cup = 62 g; 1/3 cup = 42 g; 1/4 cup = 31 g.. It's especially true in bakingâthink how much flour you can fit in a measuring cup depending on how much you pack it.
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Remember that 1/4 cup is 0 25 cups, 1/3 cup is 0 33 cups and 1/2 cup is 0 5 cups.. For smaller amounts, use these conversions: 1/2 cup = 170 g; 1/3 cup = 113 g; 1/4 cup = 85.. One cup of all-purpose white flour is 125 g, or a density of 125 g/cup To determine how many grams of flour to use in a recipe, multiply 125 by the number of cups required.. To determine how many grams of sugar to use in a recipe, multiply 200 by the number of cups required.. The ingredients in recipes from some countries like the United Kingdom, however, are given in terms of weight or mass.. Converting between cups and grams can be necessary when baking an American recipe in the United Kingdom or analyzing the nutritional information of ingredients.. Because different ingredients have different densities, their volumes weigh different amounts.. One cup of salted butter is 227 g, or a density of 227 g/cup To determine how many grams of butter to use in a recipe, multiply 227 by the number of cups required. 518b7cbc7d